In Belgium around 40,000 bicycles are stolen every year. And these are just the official figures, in fact, the actual number is a lot higher. Apparently, one of the biggest reasons people [...]
One of the reasons why the number of company cars has risen sharply for the last years are the high wage costs in our country. But is it fair to solve this fiscal problem by imposing the mobility [...]
Almost everyone learns how to drive a bicycle when they’re young. Yet, not everyone learns how to ride one safely. If your two-wheeler is in perfect condition, and you know the traffic [...]
Everyone knows the stress when you can’t find your bike right away. Was my bike properly locked? Was he in sight? Did I put my bike in the right place? Phew, he’s still there. But [...]
Bike Brussels, the Brussels Urban Bicycle Event, was a success. From the 15th to 18th September 2017 you could meet Cycle Valley there, with their bicycle solutions for companies and cities. [...]
Business bikes are an ideal flexible income for your staff. Your employees will be fitter and more motivated, but there are also a lot of fiscal benefits, since all costs related to encouraging [...]
These days a lot of people go to work by bike. And that’s very smart, since it’s very beneficial to take the bicycle. Driving is expensive, bad for the environment and everybody hates [...]
More and more employers want to make sure they keep their employees. A part of that strategy is a flex income plan. Leasing company bikes is one of the opportunities, but what are the benefits [...]
More and more people suffer daily from traffic jams. Alternative routes to their job are usually known and don’t solve anything. Then you start looking for other possibilities. Can the bike [...]
Cycle Valley provides bicycles for residential traffic, by leasing, renting or selling e-bikes. Of course we want as many people as possible to try out the electric bicycle. That’s why we [...]